General Policies of the Review of Marketing Science
ROMS invites completed papers in the field of Marketing containing previously unpublished research findings that are new and substantial. Papers suitable for ROMS are those that would be offered for publication by the leading print journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Business Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
ROMS publishes long abstracts (with links to the corresponding working papers) to highlight top marketing science research in progress. All submissions are reviewed by experts in the field. We pride ourselves on maintaining an open, transparent, constructive and fast review procedure.
Manuscript Style Guidelines
For all submissions to ROMS, the author is the final copyeditor. This means that there are no additional delays after acceptance, and no galleys to proofread. There are very basic guidelines that we ask you to follow when preparing the final version of your manuscript for publication:
The ROMS Working Papers series is published quarterly on the World Wide Web. The intended audience for ROMS includes academic researchers and practitioners in Marketing Science and more broadly Management Science. Being available on the Internet, authors are assured that their works have a global reach.
The submission process is easy and done entirely online. Click the 'Submit Article' link in the top right and you will be walked through the necessary steps to accept an article submission agreement, provide contact information about yourself and coauthors, provide article details (Title, Keywords, an Abstract of up to 1000 words), and upload the manuscript. The manuscript should be in PDF format. An alternative is Microsoft Word or RTF. There are no limits on the length of the paper.
Review Process
The review processes usually takes six to eight weeks. The following procedures are followed upon receipt of a manuscript.