

ROMS is now taking the next logical step in electronic publication of Marketing Science. From 2003 the journal will publish full-length articles. This will build on the success we have achieved in publishing working papers and long abstracts of the same. You will see in the journal site the transition that we are working on.

ROMS IS PROUD that several articles that were published as working papers are now appearing in major print journals. We have been able to provide researchers world wide an early look at the latest research. At the same time this success has made it harder to retain the working papers on our site as the papers appear in other journals, primarily because of the copyright policies that some journals have. With our new attempt to publish full-length papers these problems should disappear.

THE POSITIONING OF ROMS will be that of a leading journal that will provide speedy dissemination of the latest research to a wide audience. ROMS recognizes the interdisciplinary nature of marketing and solicits articles with managerial, quantitative and behavioral orientations. The common theme that ROMS emphasizes is the relationship of research to marketing management issues. In particular, ROMS is interested in publishing research that is topical and needs quick dissemination. As such, the review process will be fast and keep revisions that entail lengthy delays to a minimum. In terms of research focus, ROMS will emphasize substantive results that would stimulate other researchers as they pursue their work. With this in mind, ROMS is especially interested in papers that may be considered controversial by some, papers that offer a broad overview and survey of topics that are currently interesting to many researchers, and papers that report early results that will be further developed but over a longer time horizon. As such, established scholars and young researchers will both find a receptive outlet for their work.

THE QUALITY OF ARTICLES appearing in ROMS will be high, and the review process is set up to achieve that. The idea is not to replicate “prestigious” print journals but to offer authors an outlet that reaches a large audience with quality papers delivered to readers in a most convenient way.

BY MEANS OF A SUBMISSIONS GAME we have now identified potential authors numbering more than 15 who have agreed to offer their research to ROMS over the next few months. This, by no means, is a full pipeline. Neither is it a bad start. And so, let me encourage all of you to get out your papers to ROMS. We expect that full-length papers would appear in 2003.

AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, ROMS moved to its new home at bepress this past summer. This has provided the journal a very friendly site that is convenient for readers, authors and reviewers alike. I want to thank the staff at ROMS for helping set up the various processes and make my task fun. I now look forward to receiving and publishing your research.